Letzte Aktualisierung am 23. Oktober 2015.
Quelle: www.presstv.ir
The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has urged a global response to cyber attacks on nuclear facilities as concerns rise over the irreversible consequences of such incidents.
“Reports of actual or attempted cyber-attacks are now virtually a daily occurrence,” said IAEA Director General Yukiya Amano on Monday at the first International Conference on Computer Security in a Nuclear World in the Austrian capital Vienna.
The IAEA chief added that “the nuclear industry has not been immune. Last year alone, there were cases of random malware-based attacks at nuclear power plants, and of such facilities being specifically targeted.”
The most important aim of the conference is to change the dominant culture from cyber insecurity to „cyber peace,“.
Vernetzung schafft Komplexität und bisher kaum bekannte Verwundbarkeiten, die in systemische Risiken münden. Mittlerweile nicht nur mehr für Einzelakteure, sondern für die gesamte Gesellschaft. Daher wären gerade Bestrebungen zur massiven Vernetzung unserer Infrastrukturen (Stichwort: Smart oder Internet of Things) auch einmal kritisch zu hinterfragen.